Tamara Seward
1 min readFeb 6, 2020


Like so many others my Faith ebbs and flows like ocean waves on a beach. I collect positive quotes, Bible verses and anything that makes my spirit soar. My phone gallery is full of screenshots I need to crop, banishing the extra dead space in the picture so my focus stays on the reason I took it in the first place.

I can honestly say I have always had that mustard seed of faith buried in my heart regardless of my situation. It would rear it’s head in my times of trial as I prayed to God for help, forgiveness, strength or thank Him for the little touches I knew only could only come from His protective arms.

I’ve often wondered if I should journal or blog my journey as I refocus my sights on my Holy Father but have been to scared to open myself up to scrutiny of those around me especially if I were to post anything on social media.

My sins are between myself and God after all. I have so many thoughts about my Faith Journey and they keep coming up in my daily life, I think it’s time to start. Maybe I’ll publish all of them some of them or none of them. But my heart of hearts knows it needs to be done.

Two questions alway cross my mind when I sit down to write. This being my biggest obstacle to use my gift of words and writing.

Would anybody really be interested in reading my thoughts on Faith? Or any of my thoughts for that matter?



Tamara Seward

I'm a single parent, navigating parenthood, health issues, finances and life as I write to get the voices in my head to quiet down.