Perspective is Everything

Tamara Seward
2 min readSep 21, 2020

I wrote this opinion column for my award winning college newspaper, the Experience from Los Medanos College. These words still ring true today as elections draw near and the continued fight for equal treatment by law enforcement. So many screaming voices everybody has gone deaf to the plight of others. What happened to compassion for our fellow human beings, animals and our planet?

“Some time ago I took Spanish 50 with a great teacher, unfortunately I can’t remember her name at the moment. Although I had fun during class, I had trouble with the online portion of the class. One thing our teacher told us struck me as a bit odd. She said, “English is the hardest language to learn.” We all looked at her like she was crazy and I disagreed with her.

Now, however, a few years later I have to agree with her. In some ways she is right, two people don’t always see the same situations in the same way. I mean one person’s reason for doing or not doing something may be an excuse to another.

We all see things differently. The phrase “glass is half full” or Glass is half empty” comes to mind. I actually saw a meme on Facebook with a picture of a glass and these phrases on it. On the bottom of the picture it said, “Who cares you can always refill the glass.”

Interesting thought. Don’t you think? Just empty the glass and refill it. Society today keeps getting louder because EVERYBODY wants to be heard. But nobody wants to listen. I mean ACTIVELY listen and actually hear what others are saying.

Both sides of the conversation get louder as the situation gets heated. Think about the news and other areas of society today. The NFL protests during the anthem, some think they are disrespecting the flag. Others, including military veterans, think they have the right to protest and agree with them. However they are being peaceful and not stomping on or burning the flag. They are quietly taking a knee during the national anthem. I personally have an issue DURING the anthem. My father was in the Navy & fought

The hurricanes that have hit our eastern seaboard are devastating to all areas. Volunteers from Louisiana took their own boats to Texas to help out because Texans helped them during Katrina. Isn’t that how we should be? Embracing each other in times of tragedy and need.

Until EVERYBODY actively listens I’m afraid nothing can or will be done to stop the violence some bring to our society. When people stop to think about what they are saying or better yet stop and actively listen to others, maybe English wouldn’t be so hard to learn.

So, what I told you was true… from a certain point of view.”



Tamara Seward

I'm a single parent, navigating parenthood, health issues, finances and life as I write to get the voices in my head to quiet down.